Session 1 : Romans Chapter 1 vs 1 – 16

Why did Paul write to this church that he had never visited? What was the context into which he wrote? Jews had been expelled from Rome and had returned to a situation dominated by Gentile converts…

Session 2 : Romans Chapter 1 vs 17 – 32

The good news is that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. It is displayed against the backcloth of bad news, the sins that are characteristic of the Gentiles – ungodliness and unrighteousness…

Session 3 : Romans Chapter 2 v 1 – Chapter 3 v 20

At this stage the religious person may be feeling smug, but he also is given bad news. The news is bad for the religious person as well He misunderstands how things really are…

Session 4 : Romans Chapter 3 vs 21 – 31

We tend to think that the good news focuses on the love of God. Paul reminds us that in the first place the Gospel reveals that God is righteous. When God sent His Son to die for sin it smashed all illusions of a ‘soft’ God. “BUT NOW!” some really good news…

Session 5 : Romans Chapter 4 vs 1 – 25

Paul has demonstrated that the plight of Jews and Gentiles is the same. His purpose in chapter 4 is to show that God’s method in the past was the same as it is now…

Session 6 : Romans Chapter 5 vs 1 – 21

Justification is the first stage and the rest follows in a logical way. The initial act of acquittal guarantees the rest. Salvation is a ‘complete and indivisible package’. Hope is the direct work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts…

Session 7 : Romans Chapter 6 vs 1 – 10

A question from the Gentiles. The overflowing nature of grace is such that it could be abused, as in the opening question, “Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?” “We died to sin, how can we live in it any longer?”

Session 8 : Romans Chapter 6 vs 11 – 23

Change is not automatic. We entered the new kingdom by faith and we must continue to live in it by faith. What are the critical issues for faith? – The grace of God – Our union with Christ. – Sin has lost its power over us. – Faith depends on understanding truth.. – Faith and obedience are twins…

Session 9 : Romans Chapter 7 vs 1 – 25

What is the point of the Law? Two questions from the Jews. Is the law sin? Has what is good become death to me? Paul shows how the wrong use of law has made the problem worse. We need relationship rather than religion…

Session 10 : Romans Chapter 8 vs 1 – 27

How should we now live? How will the Gospel renew the whole Creation? Justification is inseparably linked to holiness – by the indwelling Holy Spirit. There are two contrasting laws…

Session 11 : Romans Chapter 8 v 28 – Chapter 9 v 6

“We know that all things work together for good…” There is an unbreakable chain, from eternity to eternity – foreknown… predestined… called… justified… glorified. Each stage depends on God and His faithfulness to His word…

Session 12 : Romans Chapter 9 vs 7 – 33

God’s sovereign choice and apparent rejection of Israel God’s way of working is illustrated in the Torah itself – Isaac/ Ishmael, Jacob/Esau. Physical descent from Abraham does not guarantee relationship with God or being included in His definition of Israel…

Session 13 : Romans Chapter 10 v 1 – Chapter 11 v 5

This chapter paints a bleak picture of Israel. It seems that, despite all their protestations to the contrary, they are responsible for their failure to believe God’s word and his revelation in the Messiah…

Session 14 : Romans Chapter 11 vs 5 – 36

The shocking thing is that Israel’s blindness is a judicial act of God. It is, specifically, an inability to understand the Scriptures that God gave them. However, it is partial and temporary. Paul asks a question – “Have they stumbled and fallen, (completely and permanently)? “No! Never! Impossible!”…

Session 15 : Romans Chapter 12 vs 1 – 21

How then shall we live? Paul is turning to application, on the basis of all that has gone before. It has relevance to Gentile/Jewish issues and also, to life in ancient pagan Rome. His approach to them flows from grace; his apostleship is a gift from God…

Session 16 : Romans Chapter 13 vs 1 – 14

All authority comes from God; rulers are called “God’s servants” – obey, contribute, respect but obedience to the state is not absolute. Love your neighbour – like our Father; we have received mercy; motivation for evangelism. Love fulfils the Torah…

Session 17 : Romans Chapter 14 v 1 – Chapter 15 v 7

Law Liberty and Love The church is a single body but it is made up of individuals who have differing opinions about pleases God. Scripture has not spoken about everything in detail; there is room for private judgement on some issues…

Session 18 : Romans Chapter 15 v 8 – Chapter 16 v 27

Jesus came to Israel in order to reveal the faithfulness (truth) of God and to the Gentiles so that they would experience God’s mercy. God’s grace impels us to look beyond petty differences and human ambitions and see the real purpose of life…

1 thought on “Romans Revisited

  1. Jeanette Dean Reply

    Hi Roy, this is so well laid out. I’m looking forward to listening to and studying this great book again.

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