Dr R. N. (Bob) Caswell studied modern languages at Trinity College Dublin, Theology at New College Edinburgh and was subsequently awarded a PhD following research on the subject of church discipline. He was a Minister of two Presbyterian Churches, Principal at Belfast Bible College, and subsequently head of religion studies at a large Grammar school, combining this with informal Bible Class teaching.

He is a dear friend and encourager. I am impressed with his clear grasp of Scripture and his ability to communicate its message in a clear, concise, and simple way, combining scholarship with warm devotional application. I can still remember some of the substance of his teaching from my first encounter many years ago.

For about the last ten years Bob has been distilling a lifetime of study and experience into a series of short, practical, commentaries on all the books of the Bible. It is a privilege to be able to include his written material on this website. It is my hope and prayer that many of you will access it and receive blessing through Bob's wisdom and insights.

4 thoughts on “Dr. R. N. (Bob) Caswell

  1. Brian Reply

    Inspired by Dr Caswell’s teaching.
    Are they still available in mp3?

  2. Michael Williams Reply

    Such fond memories of Bob when a pupil at CAI. Now still benefiting from his knowledge and insight as I endeavour to teach scripture

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